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HomeGarage - Fuchs Wheels

Fuchs Wheels

The 4.5" Fuchs wheel, which was original equipment on the 1967 911S (and optional on other models), was only offered in 1967. It had a unique paint scheme; note the small triangles of black paint around the lug nuts. The Porsche part number is 901.361.012.01, which appears on the interior of one spoke, in ink on the earliest wheels, and in raised numbers in later wheels from the same year. There is also a small engraving of a fox (Fuchs in German) on the interior of the wheel near the enter hole. Text and photo by Eric Nichols.

Fuchs 5.5" wheel (42mm offset, PN 901.361.012.04)

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This post is not specifically about Fuchs wheels, but covers a couple of different wheel choices, including this useful comment from Vic Skirmants: "Never saw a real Fuchs cracked, and they are really hard to bend. Have been using them on my race cars for 40+ years!  And the 6" x 15" Fuchs are one pound lighter than real original Minilite magnesium wheels in the same size."

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